Our horses / Anky


  • Poney: Anky
  • Size: 110 cm
  • Colour: Gray
  • Breed: Shetland X
  • Date of birth: 2006
  • Date of arrival at Belle Ferme: 2010

Anky was bought with a few other ponies in the Dijon area. We never really knew for sure where they came from, but she and her friends were all quite stressed and tense and took a long time to settle into Belle Ferme. Anky still keeps this little stress inside her, and always feels she has to try harder and do more. As she is quite small, she needs little but competent riders, unless she’s able to glue herself to the pony in front of her and just follows to feel safe.

What's special?
However fast and complicated she can be in lessons, Anky is just the best ever pony to have to go out for pony walks! She will look after the tiniest children and as long as she’s not in the arena, she’s an absolute dream!


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