Our horses / Harvest


  • Poney: Harvest
  • Size: 137 cm
  • Colour: Bai
  • Breed: New Forest
  • Date of birth: 1995
  • Date of arrival at SE de Belle Ferme: 1996

We bought Harvest as a one year old. He grew up with the pony he decided to adopt as his mother(!), namely Mystere. Harvest has always been a super little all-arounder pony, doing lessons of all levels and competing in all disciplines possible, from jumping and dressage to pony games and horseball. He has taken good care of many riders for many years.

What's special?
Harvest has always needed to be extremely attached to another pony! For years Mystere was his adopted ‘auntie’. He has always made little herds with his extra special best Shetland friend, Chloe, and when they were still with us, Joline and Kookai were always with him. We take great care not to separate them. Even if Chloe is having her hooves trimmed, Harvest needs to be beside her!


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