Our horses / Furioso


  • Poney: Furioso Blackstone (Fufu)
  • Size: 147 cm
  • Colour: Dun
  • Breed: Pony Selle français
  • Date of birth: 1993
  • Date of arrival at SE de Belle Ferme: 2004

Fufu was Rachel’s first pony. He competed with Rachel for a few years, and then was ridden by Belle Ferme riders for many years. He was well trained and a great pony to learn on. He was also very well built and extremely handsome! He wasn’t an easy ride in jumping at a higher level as he wouldn’t forgive a mistake from his rider, but to jump little heights with young riders who were learning, he was super. In his older age he became stiff due to his past competition life, and was retired when he became too uncomfortable to work even gently.

What's special?
Furioso had competed successfully and was Champion of France in eventing in his category in his younger days, just before coming to Belle Ferme.


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